Soul Winning Made Simple

A Step-by-Step guide to giving the gospel to someone


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About This Book

Sharing the Gospel is a command given to every Christian. Taking the first steps toward fulfilling God’s Great Commission can oftentimes seem intimidating. Where do you start and how can you make the most of every conversation about Christ? Soulwinning Made Simple equips you with profound yet simple strategies for leading souls to Christ. From preparing spiritually to engaging effectively on a personal level with each individual, you will find helpful guidance that leads to impactful Gospel presentations in your community. In this book you will:
  • Learn to adopt the right mindset for effective soul winning
  • Find step-by-step guidance on leading a soul to Christ
  • Discover strategies for helping converts take active steps toward Christian living
Fulfill the Great Commission with confidence using this book as a tool to make a difference in the lives of those around you as you share the gift of salvation.

Author: Bob Gray Sr. | Pages: 59 | Chapters: 10 | Format: Paperback

Chapter Titles

  1. The Philosophy of Soul Winning
  2. Leading a Soul to Christ
  3. Preparing to Win Souls
  4. Posing the Question
  5. Presenting the Plan
  6. Giving Assurance of Salvation
  7. Getting Your Converts to Church
  8. Getting Your Converts Down the Aisle and Baptized
  9. Preparation at the Church House
  10. Preparation by the Soul Winner

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