Greatly Commissioned

A look into how to practically live the great commission daily


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About This Book

All across our country and throughout its cities, born-again Christians sit at home on Sundays while our nation declines. They are unaware that obedience, commitment, and compassion are connected. We obey; we see; we serve. Something inside us should compel us to be moved with compassion for those around us.

The authority of the Great Commission does not come from a denomination; it comes from Jesus Christ Himself.

This book will walk you through how to return to what Christ said about the Great Commission and how to become a part of it in your everyday life.


Author: Greg Neal | Pages: 304  | Chapters: 29 | Format: Paperback


Chapter Titles

  1. The Great Commission
  2. Embracing the Great Commission
  3. The Motivation of the Great Commission
  4. The Authority of the Great Commission
  5. The Power of the Great Commission
  6. The Institution of the Great Commission
  7. The Ambassadors of the Great Commission
  8. The Teamwork of the Great Commission
  9. The Order of the Great Commission
  10. The Strategy of the Great Commission
  11. The Heart of the Great Commission
  12. The Gospel of the Great Commission
  13. The Whosoever of the Great Commission
  14. The Conversion of the Great Commission
  15. The Compassion of the Great Commission
  16. The Baptism of the Great Commission
  17. The Discipleship of the Great Commission
  18. The Follow Through of the Great Commission
  19. The Harvest of the Great Commission
  20. The Blessed Hope of the Great Commission
  21. The Eternity of the Great Commission
  22. Hindrances to the Great Commission
  23. The Doubters of the Great Commission
  24. The Enemy of the Great Commission
  25. Supporting the Great Commission
  26. The Funding of the Great Commission
  27. The Investment Required for the Great Commission
  28. The Blessings of the Great Commission
  29. 25 Ways to Participate in the Great Commission


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