Church Growth Through The Bus Ministry

The How-To Guide For Growing a Bus Route


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About This Book

In this book, Dr. Fugate shares with you the lessons learned from decades of successful bus ministry. You will find ways to avoid pitfalls that have damaged bus ministries, and there is also help on how to recover if these pitfalls have already been experienced. Strategies that have been proven successful and fruitful are laid out so that any size church can start or build their outreach for souls and experience Church Growth Through the Bus Ministry.


Author: Jeff Fugate  | Pages: 281  | Chapters: 62 | Format: Paperback


Chapter Titles

  1. My Burden for the Bus Ministry
  2. I’ll Take the Bus Kids
  3. The Benefits to a Church of Having a Bus Ministry
  4. What’s in It for Me? The Church Members and the Bus Ministry
  5. Leading Your Church to Support the Bus Ministry
  6. When Should You Start a Bus Ministry?
  7. Short-Term Challenges Versus Long-Term Results
  8. Overcoming Hindrances to Growth
  9. The Workers on a Bus Route
  10. The Right Timing in Getting a Bus Director
  11. Responsibilities of a Bus Director
  12. Important Qualities of a Bus Director
  13. The Bus Director, Motivator
  14. Suggestions for a New Bus Director
  15. The Ministry of the Bus Captain
  16. Pastor’s Role in Getting More People Involved
  17. Bus Director’s Role in Getting More People Involved
  18. Involving Workers in Recruiting
  19. Involving Teens in the Bus Ministry
  20. Organizing Workers for Growth
  21. Man Behind the Wheel, the Bus Driver
  22. Should I Be a Bus Worker?
  23. Training a New Bus Worker
  24. A Bus Worker’s Walk With God
  25. Is It a Job or a Calling?
  26. Worker, Don’t Quit!
  27. Patience, a Necessary Quality for Bus Workers
  28. Avoiding and Overcoming Discouragement
  29. Maintaining a Good Spirit
  30. The Bus Ride to Church
  31. The Power of Being Proactive
  32. Working With Bus Teens
  33. Mistakes to Avoid
  34. Reaching the Parents of Your Bus Riders
  35. Safety on the Bus
  36. Teaching Children the Word of God
  37. Finances and the Bus Ministry
  38. How to Finance the Bus Ministry
  39. Discipline on the Bus
  40. Faith Pleases God
  41. Taking It to the Next Level
  42. Starting a New Bus Route
  43. Music on the Bus
  44. The Buses
  45. Forms and Record Keeping
  46. The Forms and Records
  47. Maintaining Your Bus
  48. The Importance of a Good Example
  49. The Heart of a Child
  50. Goal Setting, Fulfilling God’s Purpose
  51. Jump-Starting Your Bus Ministry
  52. Ways to Increase Your Bus Attendance
  53. A Jump-Start in Spring
  54. Fall Attendance Campaigns
  55. A Few Good Ideas for Bus Promotions
  56. Preparing for Successful Attendance Campaigns
  57. Visiting the Bus Route
  58. Visitation Checklist
  59. Visitation Instructions for Bus Captains
  60. Visitation to Keep Your Route Alive
  61. Take Bus Riders Visiting With You
  62. A Growing Route


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